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Invoices page

There are other places where you can manage your invoices but this dialog box is is the central point where you can search, filter, create, delete and edit your stack of invoices. ADI-diary is intelligent software and will keep track of the booked lessons and link them to the correct invoice.

Due to the nature of the driving instructing industry where payments can be taken by both instructors and driving schools (or a mixture of both), Holding Amounts have been reserved for driving schools only. Similarly, instructors use Cash, Prepaid and Top-up invoices. This draws a definite distinction between invoices which makes Cash Flow easily understandable.

Prepaid Amount

Suppose you create an invoice for a block of 10 prepaid lessons. Initially, the list of lessons (bottom left corner) is empty.

As you book a lesson, the software looks for any invoices for the given pupil and if found, debits the charge for the lesson, deducting it from the prepaid amount. It also notifies you of the amount left in credit. When the prepaid amount is exhausted, the software still books the lesson but this time no notification will be displayed.

If a lesson is deleted, the prepaid amount will have an opening to book another lesson. ADI-diary keeps track of such situations and the next time you book a lesson for this pupil the software will deduct the correct amount.

If for any reason you gave more hours than prepaid for, you will be prompted to create a Top-up invoice or give complimentary time.

Now, suppose you did not create an invoice beforehand; nevermind, the software will search for all unpaid lessons and create a cash invoice for them.

Holding Amount

Holding amount is reserved for driving schools only. It is very similar to Prepaid amount but with the difference that the driving school is holding the money and releasing it as you give tuition to your pupil.

If you are working for yourself, do not use this feature – use Prepaid Amount.

  • For a driving school: Holding amount appears in the Cash Flow as income and released fees to the instructor shows as expenses.
  • For an instructor: Holding amount does not appear in the Cash Flow at all but released fees appear as income
  • Prepaid lessons always appear in the Cash Flow as income for instructors only. Therefore, it is not recommended for driving schools to use Prepaid lessons as there is no way to indicate that the fee has been released to the instructor.


There is no need to create an invoice for 'Pay as you go' lessons. However, a single invoice for the selected pupil can be created on demand for all previous lessons that occur before or on the specified date. Only cash bookings are processed.

To create a Cash Invoice for a single lesson, right click on a lesson in the diary and then select: 'Invoice selected lesson (Pay as you go)' Instead of creating a Cash Invoice you can use Pupil's Payments Calculator which can be found in Tools menu.

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